Royal Engine Statue
Die Inschrift des Denkmals lautet wie folgt:
"Presented to the People of Gibraltar
by the Corps of Royal Engineers
to Commemorate the Continous
Service given by the Corps on the
Rock of Gibraltar from 1704,
and the Formation here in 1772
of the first Body of Soldiers
of the Corps, then known as the
Company of Soldioer Artificers.
26th March 1994"
"Presented to the People of Gibraltar
by the Corps of Royal Engineers
to Commemorate the Continous
Service given by the Corps on the
Rock of Gibraltar from 1704,
and the Formation here in 1772
of the first Body of Soldiers
of the Corps, then known as the
Company of Soldioer Artificers.
26th March 1994"
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Ausflugsziele im Umkreis von Royal Engine Statue
Mehr Ausflugsziele- Referendum Gate3.04068 Aufrufe | 1 Bewertung
- Fels von Gibraltar4.36087 Aufrufe | 3 Bewertungen
- Gibraltar Kriegsdenkmal0.05513 Aufrufe | 0 Bewertungen
- Maurische Burg3.05051 Aufrufe | 1 Bewertung
Plane deine Route
Main Street
00000 Gibraltar
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